Massage Therapy for Women Empowerment.

A Women's Centered Practice

Integrative massage services with Laura Kalman are invitations- to healing, to deepening intimacy with intuition, and to open to new ways of relating to Self. Now more than ever is the time to deepen self-reflection and inhabit our lives and bodies from a place of compassion, ease, and awareness.

By tuning into physical and energetic cues, Laura brings these intentions to her bodywork practice, guiding her clients to be cleared of energetic ties and inhibiting patterns; to release that which is no longer needed and to facilitate ease and balance.


Services for Healing

Chi Nei Tsang


This ancient treatment uses deep and gentle abdominal manipulations to help relax the belly and lower back, eliminate waste, and clear stagnant or stuck energy associated with negative emotions

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Dynamic Integrative Massage

The goal of this unique session is for both practitioner (me) and client (you) to tune into the innate wisdom of the body and facilitate its natural inclination to move towards healing.

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Craniosacral and

Body Work Therapy

A gentle non-invasive therapy that uses light touch, energy work, and intention to correct restrictions within the body's craniosacral system which spans from the brain to the bottom of the spinal cord and impacts the entire body.

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Luna Moth Story

My practice logo was inspired by a very special encounter I had, and I want to share this story with you. When I moved into my current practice space and home, I was immediately surprised by the sight of a Luna moth sitting on my balcony. This ethereal creature, came to my attention as soon as I walked into the space with its vibrant green wings and delicate grace. She stayed for the entire first day of my move and seemed to carry a profound message of transformation and hope.

The Luna moth, with its magical presence, felt like a real sign from the Universe, and for me at that time, that was a miracle in itself! I had all but given up believing in such things. When I looked it up in Wikipedia, it read,  “Luna moths symbolize change, transformation, the divine feminine, spiritual enlightenment, inner guidance, intuition, adaptability, or connection with nature. Seeing a luna moth can be a sign to embrace change and appreciate the natural world around you. It can also mean that good luck is headed your way.” I was amazed!

This elegant creature was there to tell me, at the perfect moment, that incredible healing and the beauty emerges from the darkest of struggles. Just as the moth had emerged from its cocoon, I too had FINALLY emerged from the depths of my own pain and found a sense of freedom and renewal. There was, in fact, light at the end of the tunnel!

For a little background, I sold my beloved Metta Integrative Wellness Center in 2021 in order to focus deeply on my health due to a a series of chronic conditions that had began to rear their ugly heads during the pandemic, including depression and endometriosis, a condition that can cause immense physical and emotional pain. The following years were unexpectedly long, arduous, and lonely, filled with countless doctor's visits, treatments, surgeries, and moments of despair. I grappled with a debilitating depression and anxiety that left me confined to my couch, self-isolating and uncertain if I would ever emerge from its suffocating grip. But I persevered, and now, like a miracle, I had reached a point of renewed strength and resilience.

The Luna moth's appearance felt like a divine intervention, a gently nudge from the universe, urging me to move forward and embrace the light that had long been obscured by the shadows of my despair. It symbolized a newfound sense of purpose and the rekindling of my passion for healing and nurturing others, and, as a symbol of the Divine Feminine, I felt additionally affirmed in my recent decision to reopen my massage practice with a focus on women centered care. 

In my renewed practice, the Luna moth's symbolism continues to guide and inspire me. It reminds me to embody resilience, tap into my intuition, and create a space where healing and transformation can thrive.

May the symbolism of the Luna moth continue to light the path and bring healing and transformation to both myself and you, my clients.

"Laura is a gem. She is enthusiastic, well-trained, highly skilled, and -- most importantly -- has the rare ability to connect authentically to her clients. I enjoy our sessions on so many levels, including the stimulation of talking about all sorts of things under the sun. Most of all, though, Laura is a great massage therapist who I would heartily recommend to anyone. My sessions with her have been restorative, restful, calming, and fun all in one." – Julie G

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